

Purpura fulminans is a disorder where your skin bleeds and dies rapidly (skin necrosis). The bleeding is caused by blood clots in the dermal layer (skin layer under the top layer or epidermis). The blood vessels in your skin also collapse and the proteins that cause your blood to clot become overactive. This is called disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). 

DIC causes your body to create too many blood clots, followed by periods of bleeding. This clotting and bleeding can interfere with blood vessels bringing oxygen to your tissues. If your tissues and organs can’t get enough oxygen, they will shut down.


暴发性紫癜有多种原因. 它们是以下细菌感染:

脑膜炎球菌: The bacteria neisseria meningitidis that causes meningococcal meningitis. This is an infection of the thin lining that surrounds the brain and spinal cord.

革兰氏阴性杆菌或革兰氏阴性细菌:引起肺炎的细菌, 血液感染, 伤口或手术部位感染, 和脑膜炎.

葡萄球菌:皮肤或鼻子里的细菌. 大多数时候, these bacteria cause no problems or minor skin infections (called staph infections). But staph infections can turn deadly if the bacteria invade deeper into your body or into your bloodstream.

链球菌一种引起链球菌感染的细菌, 比如链球菌性喉炎, 猩红热, 脓疱病, 和其他人.

立克次氏体生物: A type of bacteria found in ticks, lice, fleas, mites, chiggers, and mammals. They can cause Rocky Mountain spotted fever, rickettsialpox, and other fevers.

While purpura fulminans is rare, it is important that you get treatment as quickly as possible.


With purpura fulminans, your skin begins dying in the dermal layer. This causes a rash that can rapidly progress to blood filled blisters. 

This process generally affects the skin and tissues—not the muscle. This symptom is an early sign of the disease process.

Doctors use a skin biopsy to diagnose purpura fulminans. A skin biopsy removes a small section of skin cells to examine them in a laboratory. If the specialists determine you have purpura fulminans, they will immediately start treatment.


To treat you, specialists will try to stop the disease from progressing. To do this, they will treat the infection causing the disease. They will also treat any additional infections and remove any damaged skin tissue.

To prevent any additional infections, the team will use these hygiene methods:

  • Washing hands when entering and exiting the patient’s room
  • Wearing gowns, gloves, and masks (personal protective equipment or PPE)
  • 限制探视病人的人员
  • 护理真皮皮肤伤口 (伤口护理)
  • 保持个人卫生


Specialists will remove any infected tissue as soon as the patient's condition allows. 他们将用自体移植物覆盖开放区域. (An autograft is a thin layer of skin taken from part of the patient’s body and placed on the damaged part of the body.这是永久性移植.

病人可能需要 截肢 如果他们的血管受损严重,无法正常工作. 他们也可能需要多次手术.



The focus of wound care is to manage the infection and any surgical wound. The type of dressing may vary depending on the type of wound. 



病人 may require multiple procedures or medications to manage the infection. 这些可能包括以下内容: 

  • 静脉注射以保持体内水分
  • 服用抗生素控制感染
  • Breathing through a temporary tube to maintain the patient’s airway
  • 服用降压药
  • Replacing electrolytes (potassium, sodium, phosphorus, and the like)
  • 控制葡萄糖或血糖

Doctors may also give the patient a temporary feeding tube to make sure they are getting enough calories for the healing process.

疼痛控制 & 复苏

大发娱乐的病人来说,舒适是最重要的. The treatment team will give you pain medications as you need them.

The length of your hospital stay depends on how extensive the disease is. 


Before the patient can go home, they need to reach specific goals. The treatment team will talk about these goals throughout your stay and will evaluate your progress frequently.



In addition to in-hospital and clinical management of burns, we provide a consultation service. This consult service is through our telemedicine program to help ensure our patients receive optimal care.



Why does it matter that we are a verified burn center? The American Burn Association and the American College of Surgeons designed a rigorous review program that ensures verified centers offer the best care for their patients. This includes the whole patient experience from the time of injury through rehabilitation.

It also means we meet the highest quality of care available because we meet these high quality standards. 这些标准是针对人员资格的, 设施资源, 组织结构, 以及医疗服务.

