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Congratulating Faculty on Recent Academic Honors

HCI Campus at Sunset From Above 2021
Huntsman Cancer Institute

In recognition of exceptional service including scientific achievements, training, and scholarly accomplishments, faculty at Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) at the University of Utah (U of U) have recently received honors for their work. HCI祝贺最近被授予新的或续任的教授职位的教师, 还有一名教员最近被认定为美国大学的杰出教授.

HCI的捐赠主席在建立捐助者和研究人员之间的伙伴关系方面发挥着重要作用. These chairs can provide resources to attract and retain top faculty, fund lab trainees, and support innovative research.

“亨斯迈癌症基金会很高兴通过筹集资金来制造这些椅子,为癌症研究所的未来做出贡献," says Susan Sheehan, president and chief operating officer of Huntsman Cancer Foundation. “捐赠椅子使大发娱乐能够将最高荣誉授予一位有才华的癌症研究人员,大发娱乐非常感谢捐助者,他们使三把新椅子成为可能。. We are honored to recognize Drs. 奥涅加、希夫曼和科利对癌症知识和见解的贡献."

2021 Newly Appointed Endowed Chairs

Joshua D. Schiffman, MD
Joshua D. Schiffman, MD

Joshua D. Schiffman, MD, 儿科血液肿瘤学家和HCI研究员,美国大学教授, as the Helen Clise Presidential Endowed Chair in Li-Fraumeni Syndrome Research

HCI建立了这个捐赠的椅子感谢慷慨的遗产捐赠从海伦·克莱塞和女儿雪莉·克莱塞, both deceased. Clises夫妇因Li-Fraumeni综合征失去了家庭成员,并坚定地致力于大发娱乐HCI推进其使命.

“接受以一个受到Li-Fraumeni综合征严重影响的家庭成员命名的捐赠主席特别有意义,并强调了大发娱乐研究的重要性. The investigation of p53, a tumor suppressor gene, and its role in causing cancer remains a top priority in our research laboratory. 在Li-Fraumeni综合征研究中Helen Clise总统捐赠主席的支持将大发娱乐大发娱乐探索预防和治疗癌症的新方法. 这个被赋予的椅子对我特别有影响,因为我在临床照顾克莉丝的家庭成员 Family Cancer Assessment Clinic at Huntsman Cancer Institute. 虽然家人已经离开了大发娱乐,但大发娱乐很感激能继续大发娱乐的生活 p53 research in honor of their memory."

Manish Kohli Formal Landscape
Manish Kohli, MD

Manish Kohli, MD, HCI的泌尿生殖肿瘤学家和前列腺癌研究员,以及美国犹他大学的内科教授, as the Jack R. and Hazel M. Robertson Presidential Endowed Chair

罗伯逊夫妇慷慨地向包括HCI在内的uu of U健康系统的几个领域捐款. Hazel Robertson于2017年去世,她一生都热爱护理,并渴望大发娱乐那些有需要的人.

"Being bestowed the Jack R. and Hazel M. 罗伯逊总统捐赠主席是一种荣誉,一种特权,和一项成就. But beyond that it is a responsibility, an inspiration, 并承诺更加努力地减少癌症的发病率和死亡率."

Tracy Onega in Lab Coat Indoor Formal Portrait
Tracy Onega, PhD

Tracy Onega, PhD, cancer, epidemiology, 她是HCI的健康服务研究员,也是美国大学人口科学教授, as a Jon M. and Karen Huntsman Presidential Professor in Cancer Research

The Utah State Legislature created the Jon M. 以及亨茨曼癌症研究所癌症研究主席教授职位,以表彰和庆祝亨茨曼先生. Huntsman’s legacy.

"I’m truly honored to be named as a Jon M. and Karen Huntsman Presidential Professor in Cancer Research. 亨茨曼家族对终结癌症的慷慨和奉献使我谦卑,并号召我也为这一追求不懈地努力. 我很感激这份荣誉,也很感激能有机会与我优秀的同事们一起为实现无癌症的前沿而努力."

Renewed Endowed Chair

Daniel R. Couriel in Lab Coat Formal Portrait
Daniel R. Couriel, MD, MS

Daniel R. Couriel, MD, MS, HCI的血液学家和研究员,以及美国大学的内科教授, 作为亨茨曼癌症研究所成人白血病研究的教授

“被授予教授职位是一种超越你学术地位的认可、荣誉和责任. 这意味着该机构在专业和个人方面认可你,并表彰你一生对该领域的贡献. 同时,正如生活中的每件事一样,不辜负期望是大发娱乐的责任. 我认为,在大发娱乐这样一个健康的环境中工作,很容易做好大发娱乐的工作."

Distinguished Professorship

Saundra S. Buys in Lab Coat Indoor Formal Portrait
Saundra S. Buys, MD

At the U of U, 杰出教授是指那些在国内和国际上获得同行认可的个人,他们的成就体现了学术的最高目标, 并得到学生和同事的认可,表现出对教学的高度奉献精神.

Saundra S. Buys, MD, HCI肿瘤学部主任,美国大学医学系教授, as a Distinguished Professor of Internal Medicine at the U of U

“犹他大学众多杰出教授的榜样和指导极大地丰富了我的个人和职业生活. 被视为同事是一种巨大的动力,促使他们努力达到自己设定的标准."

Media Contact

Heather Simonsen
Public Affairs Senior Manager
Huntsman Cancer Institute
801 581-3194

About Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah

Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah 是国家癌症研究所指定的犹他州综合癌症中心吗, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, and Wyoming. With a legacy of innovative cancer research, groundbreaking discoveries, and world-class patient care, we are transforming the way cancer is understood, prevented, diagnosed, treated, and survived. 亨斯迈癌症研究所致力于通过科学突破和尖端技术大发娱乐提供最先进的癌症治疗和预防,以推动未来的癌症治疗超越今天的护理标准. We have more than 300 open clinical trials and 250 research teams studying cancer. 亨斯迈癌症研究所发现的遗传性癌症基因比其他任何癌症中心都要多. 大发娱乐的科学家以了解癌症如何开始并利用这些知识开发创新方法来治疗每位患者的独特疾病而闻名于世. Huntsman Cancer Institute was founded by Jon M. and Karen Huntsman.

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