
Guia Para Pacientes

感谢您选择亨斯迈癌症研究所. 你会得到很好的照顾.

的 time spent waiting for your first appointment can be full of questions and concerns. 大发娱乐的信息将大发娱乐你做好准备.


所有患者都能从中受益 征求第二意见 大发娱乐的一位癌症专家说的. 今天在线预约或致电801-587-7000.


为你的第一次约会做准备可能会让人不知所措. 最好地支持大发娱乐的病人, you will work with an oncology patient coordinator to verify your current insurance benefits and determine next steps, 如果需要. 你也会被分配一个 耐心的财务顾问 who will work with you to determine the cost for treatment and payment options.


这是你在亨茨曼癌症研究所的第一个联络人. Oncology patient coordinators help you with these important services:

  • 与你的医疗团队预约
  • 检查你的保险范围
  • 和财务顾问约个时间
  • Make sure all paperwork and medical records are collected and on file
  • 让你知道大发娱乐目前的访客政策

如果你被诊断患有癌症,你可以了解更多关于 关于癌症要问医生的问题 预约前.


亨茨曼癌症研究所 is dedicated to making sure all patients receive the same level of care and get answers to all of their important questions, 不管他们说什么语言. Interpreters are available for patients and visitors that need assistance in languages other than English.

如果病人需要翻译预约, 预约时请通知诊所.

呼叫 801-581-7169 (1-7169 from a hospital phone) any time of day for Spanish or other language interpreters.


请为您的预约安排至少一个小时. 一些第一次就诊可能会持续几个小时.

请注意: For the safety of our cancer patients, children under age 14 are not allowed in clinic areas. But they are always welcome in public spaces such as the first floor lobby and sixth floor restaurants.


Being prepared can help make your first appointment at 亨茨曼癌症研究所 as easy and stress-free as it can be. 以下是你要带的物品清单:

  • 带照片的身份证和保险卡
  • Copayment if your insurance requires one via one of the following payment types:
    • 现金
    • 检查
    • 签证
    • 万事达卡
    • 美国运通
    • 你也可以通过 My图表
  • List of current prescription and over-the-counter medications and their dosages, including vitamins and herbal remedies (or just bring the bottles if it’s easier)
  • 你的 完成 新的患者表格将通过电子邮件或My图表发送给您
    • Reply to the message with your 完成 form or print it and bring it with you
  • 如果您有任何问题要问您的护理团队
  • 成年家庭成员或朋友给予支持, 如果你愿意, 因为你会在第一次访问时收到很多信息
  • 笔记本或录音机
  • 你的 预先保健指示 如果你有的话

预先指令 tell your care providers and loved ones your wishes in case you are in a medical situation where you can't speak for yourself. If you would like help filling out your advance directives please contact a member of our 病人和家属支持小组.



偶尔, 你在预约前和预约之间可能会有一些时间, 在等待实验室工作的时候, 或者在治疗期间. 亨斯迈癌症研究所大发娱乐提供了许多大发娱乐打发时间的方法:

  • 顺便去看看 癌症学习中心, which has thousands of books and audio resources you may borrow for free.
  • 访问大发娱乐的 就餐选择包括两家餐厅和一家星巴克咖啡店.
  • 连接整栋楼的免费Wi-Fi.
    • 病人 and visitors can connect using the UGuest wireless network by joining from their devices and following the onscreen prompts. 员工或教职员工应使用UConnect进行连接.
  • Watch the informational digital screens to learn about cancer screening, 即将来临的事件, 以及其他重要信息.
  • 参观 迷宫 在四楼. 迷宫是用来行走冥想的轮廓小路.

If you need to leave between appointments, please inform the front desk.


Our cancer care teams bring specialists from different disciplines together. 的y work side-by-side to develop the care plan that is best for each person. You and your loved ones are an important part of this decision-making partnership.

进一步了解大发娱乐的 护理团队 以及每个团队成员的角色. 你可能会在第一天遇到他们中的许多人, 包括医生, 高级临床医生, 护士, 医疗助理, 药剂师, 和更多的.

搜索你的医生简介 更多地了解他们.


清晰的沟通有助于每个人. 大发娱乐有一些有用的建议,可以大发娱乐你清晰地沟通.

  • Bring a friend or family member with you to take notes at your appointment. 这样,你就可以专注于倾听. 把这些笔记作为以后的提醒.
  • 让你的护士或医生用简单的语言解释医学术语. 你的 team needs you to understand, and they will be happy to help you.
  • After your doctor or nurse gives you instructions, repeat back what you have heard.
  • 对任何不懂的问题都要问. 如果你听到让你感到害怕的事情,就说出来. 从你的医生那里得到更多的信息可能会大发娱乐你减轻恐惧.
  • Tell your health care team about anything you have done that has helped with your symptoms or made them worse. 你的 doctor will want to be sure they do not interfere with your treatments.
  • 报名参加 My图表.
    • My图表 is the best way to communicate with your care team members for non-urgent requests or medication refills. 如有紧急情况,请拨打诊所或911.


你的 cancer care team orders the tests needed to help them create your treatment plan. 治疗期间和治疗后, these tests help your care team check your condition and watch for side effects:

  • 血液测试
  • Imaging tests such as X-rays, ultrasound, and CT, MRI, and PET scans
  • 对活组织进行病理和基因检测


Pharmacists work with your doctors and 护士 to create your medication plan. 他们合成并配发医生开的药. 的y can give you a lot of information about the drugs you are taking.

的 亨茨曼癌症研究所的药房 is a certified specialty pharmacy with expertise in cancer-related treatments and insurance options. 大发娱乐的药房方便,经济实惠,并大发娱乐提供多种服务.

  • 4美元的仿制药清单
  • 流感、肺炎、COVID-19和带状疱疹疫苗接种
  • 大多数初级和二级保险接受使用在线计费
  • Medicare Part D and medication copay assistance screenings available
  • 方便在线续杯

Our pharmacy is located on the first floor of the 亨茨曼癌症研究所 hospital. 你可以在预约时配药.






你的 appointment could be scheduled at the 亨茨曼癌症研究所 hospital or one of our community outpatients clinics, 基于专业或诊断的.



病人可以接受 化疗 大发娱乐四家门诊诊所的记录. Our infusion centers provide the highest quality of patient care and excellent outcomes.

联系信息 & 小时



医院 & 诊所小时





Our dedicated team of providers are here for our patients beyond your first appointment. 病人 with additional questions after their visits can communicate with their care team through My图表.

亨茨曼癌症研究所 is guided by three core principles of putting patient and community first, 为共同的努力走到一起, 在大发娱乐所做的一切中追求卓越. Our providers and health care workers strive to meet these principles at each visit with our patients.

每次预约后,您将收到一份 病人的调查 告诉大发娱乐做得怎么样. 病人是大发娱乐一切工作的中心. 大发娱乐重视您的反馈,并希望了解您的经验. We utilize the information shared with us to improve all areas of the patient experience from communication between patients and providers to enhancing programs and services. 大发娱乐提供关于特定医生的评论, 护士, and physician assistants are posted on the provider’s profile page as reviews.