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Providing Vital Support: The HIAYA 癌症治疗 Program

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Ana Inestrillas and her family
Ana Inestrillas and her family

Ana Inestrillas was diagnosed with 子宫内膜癌 during fertility treatments at the 犹他大学 hospital. Now, she looks back on her fertility treatments with mixed emotions. While the treatments were hard, she is grateful that they were able to catch her cancer.

Ana, now 39, wishes she knew about the Huntsman-Intermountain Adolescent and Young Adult (HIAYA) Program when she was first diagnosed.

“Receiving a cancer diagnosis at 37 brought up many emotions, like anxiety, shock, and grief. I am a wife and a mother to a young child who needs me,” says Inestrillas.


Individuals dealing with a cancer diagnosis can benefit from help navigating a tricky healthcare system.

Huntsman Cancer Institute has many patient navigation programs to choose from:

The HIAYA program specifically focuses on patients between the ages of 15 and 39. These patients often face unique challenges which disrupt major life milestones, 像毕业, 婚姻, 第一份工作, and starting a family. 这个程序, 成立于2016年, is successful thanks to the collaboration between many healthcare organizations to ensure patients are supported throughout their care journeys.


In a study published in 自然杂志, researchers have found an increase of cancer diagnoses in people under the age of 50 in several countries.

研究ers are seeing an increase in many different types of cancer in young adults:

研究ing Cancer in Young Adults

Neli Ulrich, PhD, MS
Neli Ulrich, PhD, MS

While increased access and participation in 癌症筛查 may contribute to part of the rise, many physicians and researchers are looking into other reasons these cancers are becoming more common.

研究人员就像 Neli Ulrich, PhD, MS, chief scientific officer and executive director of the Comprehensive Cancer Center at Huntsman Cancer Institute, 乔恩·米. and Karen Huntsman Presidential Professor in Cancer 研究 in the Department of Population Health Sciences at the 犹他大学 (美国), study colorectal cancer, specifically the role that the 肠道微生物组 plays in this diagnosis.

根据 American Cancer Society, adults under the age of 55 are being diagnosed with colorectal cancer twice as often as 10 years ago. 结肠直肠癌 is now the leading cause of cancer death for men younger than 50.

“There are many things that we as researchers are looking into when it comes to this increase in cancer, 像压力, 锻炼, 大发娱乐吃的食物, and even using devices like computers on our laps,乌尔里希说。. “We do not have any answers yet, but it is important to eat nourishing foods, 锻炼, and talk to your doctor about any changes you feel in your body.”

Sachin Apte, MD, MS, MBA
Sachin Apte, MD, MS, MBA

Sachin Apte, MD, MS, MBA, chief clinical officer, physician-in-chief at Huntsman Cancer Institute, and professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the U, is also seeing an increase in young patients in his clinic—patients like Ana. He hypothesizes that factors like increased estrogen and obesity may be contributing to the trend.

“I see a lot of young people in my practice that are listening to their bodies and have access to information that previous generations didn’t have access to. I see this as a strength and think that we have a group of people taking care of themselves and seeking treatment when something is off,阿普特说。.

Inestrillas echoes Huntsman Cancer Institute’s physicians and researchers, encouraging young adults to keep up on their screenings.

“It is easy to procrastinate. We are busy, and going to the doctor may be the last thing we want to do. A lot of these AYA cancers can be treated when you catch them early enough,” says Inestrillas.

了解更多关于 癌症筛查.

Cancer touches all of us.