Health Care Insider: Dangers of Miscommunication in Science

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Health Care Insider: Dangers of Miscommunication in Science


One of the biggest problems scientists face when trying to describe their research is trying to get an enormous amount of information out without dumbing it down or making it inaccurate. Valeri Lantz-Gefroh from the Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science at Stony Brook University is trying to get scientists out of “lecture mode” and into having a conversation. She makes the case for better communication in science and research.


Lantz-Gefroh: The question of what harm does it do if scientists don't communicate, 我认为这是一个非常重要的问题.

播音员: These are the conversations happening inside health care that are going to transform health care. 《大发娱乐》将在范围上播出.

面试官: Valeri Lantz-Gefroh is the Improvisation Coordinator at the Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science at Stony Brook University School of Journalism. 第一个问题, what are some of the common problems that doctors and scientists have when it comes to communicating what it is they do?

Lantz-Gefroh: That scientists often don't make adjustments for the audience that they're talking to. 他们脑子里有很多信息, and the focus is just getting that information out in a factual way, 以一种准确的方式. 这是非常重要的. 大发娱乐不想把科学简单化. We don't want to make it something other than what it is. 但每个观众都是不同的, and needs to hear that information in a way that makes sense to them. 它必须是双向的.

面试官: 是的.

Lantz-Gefroh: 很多时候沟通是 . . . Alan Alda称之为“讲座模式”, when a scientist is so concerned about just getting it out there that they're stating everything that they know with no regard to the other. What we're trying to do is get scientists out of lecture mode and into conversation. That's a process that is learned through improv and through playing these games. The other thing that we're kind of leaving out that is hugely important to us is getting the scientists connected and engaged with the thing that they think is important. Everything about science is distancing the self, so that your emotional being doesn't influence the data. 我的意思是, we don't want that to happen in science. But what we need to get back to in the way that we're communicating science is who that human being is that's going through that journey.

面试官: 所以这是一种文化问题? 科学的文化就是这样, that you remove yourself and you give the facts and figures, 你并没有真正投入其中. You're suggesting that maybe scientists should a little bit?

Lantz-Gefroh: I'm saying that when they communicate it's a different thing than when they're doing research.

面试官: 好吧. 我之前提到过一个故事. It seems to me that when I interview scientists they forget about that journey, and that's something that everybody loves to hear. “这就是障碍. Here I am, and this was the thing I was trying to accomplish. 但是,我遇到了这个障碍. But here's how I overcame it, and then there was this other obstacle."

Lantz-Gefroh: 是的. 没有什么比这更令人兴奋的了. 我的意思是, the stories that these scientists have that they keep to themselves, 这就是大发娱乐需要进入的地方. There are different stories for different audiences that would make sense and resonate.

面试官: 你最后还有什么想法吗, 还是我忘记了什么, or anything that you just feel compelled to say?

Lantz-Gefroh: The question of what harm does it do if scientists don't communicate, 我认为这是一个非常重要的问题. We have such profound misunderstanding of science, and so much on the Internet that it's just not factual. 是很危险的, 我认为, because we're being led to believe misinformation because there are passionate voices behind that misinformation. 接种疫苗的问题 . . .

面试官: 我只是在想. 你怎么知道?

Lantz-Gefroh: 大发娱乐有一个例子. 我在抚养我的儿子, I had just had my son when this whole vaccine scare was kind of coming to the forefront of the public eye, 有很多的恐惧. 很多妈妈都跟我说过, “不要给你的孩子接种疫苗,给我看视频, 所有这些东西, 这是一个非常可怕的想法. I went to my doctor, and I talked to the doctor, and I did vaccinate my kids. But there were many who didn't, and we have so many examples of that in health and in global warming. 我的意思是, 凡是你能想到的, we have example after example of the public hearing from sources who really don't know.

面试官: 他们是优秀的沟通者.

Lantz-Gefroh: 完全.

面试官: 我的意思是, actresses and people that really know how to muster up that emotion. Then, we as a scientific community kind of respond in our very removed sort of way.

Lantz-Gefroh: 正确的,准确. 面对没有事实的激情, 或者所有的事实都没有激情, 大发娱乐总是站在激情的一边. 这就是大发娱乐作为社会人的本质. So it's really important for the people who know to step up to the plate and get these skills together so we can hear the information correctly.

面试官: So they can be the passionate communicators of truth and fact.

Lantz-Gefroh: 完全. 因为现实是, the thing that I've come to learn in the last 5 years of working with scientists, 和我一起工作的大概有1个,在过去的5年里,有5000名科学家, 他们是充满激情的人.

面试官: 他们是. 你太对了.

Lantz-Gefroh: This is a really, really engaged, charged, passionate group of human beings. If they could just bring all of that to the microphone, we could change the world 我认为.

播音员: Be part of the conversation that transforms health care. Leave a comment and tell us what you're thinking. The Health Care Insider is a production of thescoperadio.犹他大学健康科学电台.