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了解一种疾病的诊断可能会让人不知所措. For older patients who may have sensory loss or potential mental complications, understanding and remembering the doctor’s orders can be even more difficult. 老年医学专家 马克Supiano,医学博士, shares tips and strategies patients and doctors can use to make sure they completely understand their diagnosis and effectively communicate everything needed to provide the best health care.

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    面试官: How to help and what to watch for when you accompany an older adult to a medical appointment - that's next on 范围.

    Dr. 马克Supiano is a 老年医学专家 and the Executive Director of University of Utah Center on Aging. Dr. Supiano, 我读到过人们去看医生的时候, it's common that you don't 真的 comprehend and retain a lot that's talked about, 对于老年人来说,这可能更加困难. That's why it's a good idea for anybody to 真的 take somebody with them to the doctor to pay attention, 尤其是对老年人来说. 但当我在那里的时候,我该怎么办呢? 你能给我一些指导吗? 我在房间里,接下来呢?


    Dr. Supiano: 你是正确的, 斯科特, that the communication between doctors and patients has long been a concern, 不仅仅是老年人,而是所有年龄段的人. And given sensory loss and potential cognitive challenges in older people, their ability to retain information from what the doctor's telling them may not be that good.

    现在, 我不想把责任推到病人身上, 事实上, more often it's the case the blame should be on us physicians or health care providers who are not doing a good job in attending to the needs of our patients. So, 对这些沟通需求保持敏感, 对健康素养也很敏感, and making sure that patients can comprehend the medical terms and language that we're using, 是不是所有的医生都没有完全掌握这项技能. 老年医学专家s are trained to be adept in those communication skills and be attentive to health literacy, 这些都是大发娱乐需要关注的问题.

    One resource I can highly recommend is the public education arm of The American Geriatric Society, 它被称为老龄化健康基金会. 他们有一个很棒的网站, with a number of resources for patients and their family members and caregivers to point to, 来获取这类信息. 在这方面, the types of things that would be helpful to better prepare an individual for going to that doctor's appointment is, 首先, 确保医疗信息的良好沟通. And if this is the first time you're seeing this healthcare provider, 确保你的医疗记录, 你的健康史, are communicated and available for that healthcare provider to review.


    面试官: 是的, 所以在你出现之前就发生了, 真的, you should sit down with that person and perhaps make sure we have a complete medical history.

    Dr. Supiano: 现在可不能坐下来谈了. 通常是一份问卷, or increasingly we're going to web-based questionnaires to address that information, 但要确保信息的传递. 您不想让自己暴露在不必要的重复测试中, not just the costs associated with that but putting yourself at risk of having more tests done, 诸如此类. 所以,你给大发娱乐提供者大发娱乐提供的信息越多越好.


    第二,做你自己的清单,你关心的是什么? 带着你的约会日程进去, 确保医疗保健大发娱乐提供者知道你的日程安排, 并能适当地解决这些问题.

    面试官: 这甚至是一种范式的改变, 很多时候, 对很多老年人来说, from the standpoint that my understanding is doctors used to direct the care, 现在大发娱乐开始转向更多的病人互动.

    Dr. Supiano: 没错,所以现在的流行语是“以病人为中心的护理”."

    面试官: 是的,好吧.

    Dr. Supiano: 这并不是医生感兴趣的, but rather what your concerns are and what your main priorities are for that visit.

    面试官: 在你进去之前要知道, 这只是一个巨大的范式转变, 我认为, 但这是个值得注意的好问题.

    Dr. Supiano: 所以做好准备是关键, and if you wish to engage your family members to help in generating that list, 了解他们是否有顾虑, 这可能是另一个大发娱乐你准备的好方法.


    另一个关键特性是, because so many problems are associated with medications in older people, 要么是药物过多,要么是药物相互作用, it's important that you accurately communicate to your doctor exactly what medications you're taking. That should be all your prescribed medications as well as over-the-counter medications, 补充, 以及你正在使用的任何东西.

    在理想的情况下, 把那些药带进来, 它被称为“棕色袋子”,你在购物袋里装满了你的药物. 它的另一项, 因为老年医学的程序很少, 叫做“药物胸部活检”." So you put the needle in the medicine chest and take a biopsy of all the medications that are in that person's medicine chest. But it's 真的 critical that your health care provider knows all of the medications that you're taking, 这些都是经过仔细审查的, and also that you tell your doctor how you're taking those medications, because it's not only what you're taking but are you taking the medications on time, 按计划, 不服用重复药物, 不遗漏剂量, 等.


    面试官: 作为手术过程中在场的人, 如果我和父母或祖父母在一起, 我的角色是什么?? 只是为了倾听吗? 是问问题吗? 我是说,我该怎么做?

    Dr. Supiano: Good question, and probably not the latter, but 再一次。 it needs to be a patient-centric focus. 所以和你的父母或家庭成员谈谈,听取他们的意见, 他们想让你扮演什么角色. 我认为, 至少, what anyone can do with the permission of the patient is to be another set of ears and eyes, 做笔记, 并在适当的时候提出问题以确保, 再一次。, 这些信息被充分传达.

    面试官: So, 听起来像是事先做了点准备, 提出你关心的问题, 你想谈什么, also perhaps going to the Health in Aging Foundation website and taking a look at some of the resources there to get you more prepared for that trip to the doctor, having somebody with you that can maybe help be another set of eyes or ears, 或者想出一些你可能没有想到的问题. Is there one more tip that you might have to make that visit as productive as possible?


    Dr. Supiano: The last point is to make sure that there's good communication that follows the visit. 所以这是一个要求, that you should set an expectation that you don't leave the visit without written instructions for what the physician or healthcare provider is asking you to do, 不管是药物的变化, 生活方式的改变, 需要做的额外测试, 还需要做哪些额外的跟进工作. 一定要清楚地向你解释清楚, 而且是书面的, 这样你就可以参考它了. 然后, 在后续信息中使用它, 有良好的访后沟通, 你想要你的测试结果, and being able to get feedback from your healthcare provider about the interpretation of those test results and what the next steps or additional follow up might be, 基于这些结果的结果.



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