Listener Question: Should I Start With Diet or Exercise First?

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Listener Question: Should I Start With Diet or Exercise First?


Improving diet and exercise are the key factors to a healthier you, 但是你应该首先关注哪一个呢? Trepp碧然德, 犹他健康大学的认证生理学家, answers this week's listener question with some easy things you can do to get started to a healthier you.


播音员: 需要可靠的健康信息? 别听你旁边那家伙的. Get it from a trusted source, straight from the doctor's mouth. 这是本周范围节目的听众提问.

面试官: “我应该从哪里开始,节食还是锻炼??" This particular listener wants to get into better shape and wants to know if, 你知道, it's better to start with fixing your diet first and then moving on exercise, 或者你先运动,然后其他的跟着来. Certified exercise physiologist Britta Trepp, what do you 说? 饮食或运动? 你应该先做什么?

布丽塔一起创造: 这两个.

面试官: 好吧. 我想大发娱乐应该先定义一些术语. 节食对你来说意味着什么?

布丽塔一起创造: 是的, 大发娱乐所说的节食并不是指一次性的节食, 而是健康饮食的终生策略. So most popular diets should be approached with caution you can talk to a registered dietitian to make sure that it makes sense for you, but healthy diets really aren't low carbohydrate necessarily, 极低碳水化合物或非常高的蛋白质. 他们很全面,是我的餐盘.Gov是目前对健康饮食的建议.

面试官: And that's not only healthy in the nutrients you get, but the sustainability of it too. Just being able to maintain that, I mean, it's really hard to do a low carb diet for a long time.

布丽塔一起创造: Right and oftentimes you will see that people will do an extreme diet, 他们通常会减肥, 然后再获得它.

面试官: 是的, is that because they just can't sustain that diet and then all of a sudden, 现在,他们正在大量摄入碳水化合物?

布丽塔一起创造: 当然. 许多流行的饮食都是低热量的. They're not surprising when people lose weight if you're actually looking at the diet, 但这不是长期可持续的.

面试官: 好的,这是一个好的饮食资源?

布丽塔一起创造: “我的餐盘”.政府.

面试官: 好吧. 现在,大发娱乐来谈谈运动. 这是什么意思?? Does that mean I got to go to the gym and be an Olympic power lifter?

布丽塔一起创造: 是的, 运动真的, the American College of Sports Medicine recommends 30 minutes a day of moderate to vigorous activity. Moderate to vigorous means you can hold a conversation, 但你可能不会唱歌, 好吧? 这就是大发娱乐所说的强度. 30分钟,每周五天.

面试官: 好吧, so when I asked the question, "Where should I start? 饮食或运动?" I would imagine, and I can't speak for this listener, but that's making some assumptions, right? Like diet is going to be super hard so I got to really concentrate, or this exercise part is going to be super hard so I got to really just concentrate on that, 但你是说大发娱乐面有些节制.

布丽塔一起创造: 没错,即使是小的调整也会带来大的变化.

面试官: 好吧,比如说?

布丽塔一起创造: 例如, I worked with a client who is working on changing his body composition, he actually cut out just added sugar for one month and lost 10 pounds of fat. 另外, to maybe cutting out just one simple thing with a diet to become healthier, 你可以打破久坐不动的时间. 所以这些都是小的调整, 如果你能每小时站起来活动活动, 一到五分钟, 你可以每天累积30分钟.

面试官: Let's talk a little bit about what the ultimate goal is here. When somebody is asking the question, “我应该从哪里开始,节食还是锻炼??" they're probably trying to change their body composition a little bit.

布丽塔一起创造: 是的, the ultimate goal is to become a healthier composition. So the numbers on the scale, how much you weigh doesn't tell the whole story. 现在, you can weigh quite a bit and actually be composed of mostly muscle which is metabolically active. So we always recommend instead of looking at the scale actually doing Bod Pod body composition test so that you can look at plus or minus 2% what your actual composition ends.

面试官: 这就是你体内多余的脂肪. A certain amount is healthy, but most of us are carrying around probably more than we need to.

布丽塔一起创造: 当然. Males and females each have separate amounts of body fat that are essential for normal biological processes, but we can track not only where you are now and make small goals and tweaks year after year, 但是大发娱乐也可以, 如果你是一名运动员, 说, “好吧, we're performing really well at this certain body composition and that can be a goal for us moving forward."

面试官: 一些, 我认为, mistakes that some people make though is they think that losing those numbers on the scale is, 如你所说, the ultimate goal where they could be really shorting themselves of calories and losing valuable muscle as well. 稍微讲一下这个.

布丽塔一起创造: 是的, so just as with weight loss, diet and exercise are both part of the puzzle. With exercise, cardiovascular activity as well as strengthening activity are essential. So we could act like a gerbil on a treadmill all day long and just zoom, zoom, zoom around. If we are not doing resistance training whether that's body weight exercises or standard lifting in a gym, we will lose some of our muscle mass and that is honestly very metabolically active. 保存起来很好.

面试官: 所以这个问题的答案是,“我应该从哪里开始。? 饮食或运动?“你应该两样都做.

布丽塔一起创造: 是的. The research 说s that both are the most beneficial for weight loss.

面试官: 让你. And if you need some help who would you recommend somebody get in touch with?

布丽塔一起创造: 是的, here at the University of Utah we have a clinic called PEAK Health and Fitness. We have registered dietitian as well as certified exercise physiologists, and they can work together to come up with a program for you so that you can get on the right track.

面试官: And for those that aren't in this area try to find a similar resource probably in your own community and 我认为 probably one of the most helpful parts of that is you have a plan in front of you then.

布丽塔一起创造: 当然,是的. 跟踪通常是很好的. 这会让你保持诚实. 所以我知道我桌上有一点, 这实际上是一本小黑本子, 我记录了我每周的锻炼,我每天都看到, and I open it up and I know that I want to add more to it. 所以这在我的生活中很明显.

播音员: 有问题吗?? 问它. 把你的听众问题发送到hello@thescoperadio.com.