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高血压会导致流产. 女人的专家 Dr. Kirtly parker Jones discusses some important things women should consider about their health before trying to get pregnant.

Dr. 琼斯: Most women who were trying to become pregnant and had a miscarriage are eager to try to get pregnant again. What have we learned about how women might prepare for the next try? 这是博士. Kirtly Jones from Obstetrics and Gynecology at University of Utah Health, and this is "The Seven Domains of Women's Health" on 范围.

播音员: Covering all aspects of women's health, this is "The Seven Domains of Women's Health" with Dr. Kirtly Jones在Scope上报道.

Dr. 琼斯: 早孕流产是很常见的. Rates vary from 15% to 30% depending on the age of the woman and how early a 怀孕 is detected. 当然, we know that some things are associated with higher rates of early miscarriage, 比如年龄的妈妈, 尤其是40岁以后, 糖尿病控制不佳, 例如. 然而, 针对有过一两次流产经历的年轻女性, are there any new clues about causes or things women can do to increase the chance that the next 怀孕 would be healthy and go to term?

现在, early miscarriage has been the focus of a lot of research in the past 15 years as well as the focus of a lot of cultural myths for thousands of years. 大发娱乐收到母亲的来信, 姐妹, 阿姨们说大发娱乐应该吃这个, 别吃那个, 这样做, 不要这样做. One recommendation that had been around for about 15 years is that low-dose aspirin, 81毫克的婴儿阿司匹林, would increase the chances of 怀孕 and decrease the risk of miscarriage.

几年前, a large randomized trial done here at the University of Utah and in three other centers around the country looked at over 1,000 young women under 40 who are healthy and had a history of 1 or 2 early miscarriages. 这些妇女随机服用婴儿阿司匹林和叶酸, 或者只是叶酸, 研究人员仔细研究了它们下一次怀孕的情况. 整体, they found that the majority of women had successful pregnancies, 约58%, 在第二次试验中,他们是否服用阿司匹林, 阿司匹林并没有降低流产的几率.

现在, 这项工作报告于2014年, but there have been some other interesting findings from this study and one that was reported recently. Women in this study were mostly white, often overweight, and the average was 29. 平均血压为111/72. 这对年轻女性来说是个不错的平均血压. 但有一点是新的.

For every 10 points increase in the diastolic blood pressure, 这是较低的数, 流产的风险增加了18%. This means that young women with slightly elevated blood pressure but not a diagnosis of hypertension were increased risk of miscarriage. The study in the journal "Hypertension" found no association of blood pressure with the ability to get pregnant or the rate to get pregnant. 他们控制吸烟, 身体质量指数, 婚姻状况, 教育, and other factors that are known to be independently related to miscarriage. And that means that the blood pressure alone or with other factors that they couldn't measure is associated with an increased risk of miscarriage.

现在, we know that hypertension before 怀孕 is associated with a number of various very serious problems in 怀孕 including still birth, 子痫前症, 早产, and placental abruption where the placenta prematurely separates from the uterus before the birth of the baby. 这个发现甚至是大发娱乐所说的高血压前期, 年轻女性的血压只是中等水平的升高, 是否与流产有关. 那么大发娱乐从中得到了什么呢?

首先, all 怀孕 should be started with women in their best emotional, 物理, 社会, 财政健康. 如果你想要怀孕, stopping 吸烟 and maintaining a healthy weight are important because both of these conditions are associated with miscarriage, 吸烟, 超重. And if you can get your blood pressure checked before you get pregnant and if the lower number is between 70 and 80, 你可以考虑增加运动量, 注意管理你的压力, and consider a diet lower in salt and higher in vegetables and healthy fats, kind of that Mediterranean diet thing that we've talked a lot on 范围 a lot.

不管你怀孕期间发生了什么, these changes are good for your current and long-term health. 当然, 如果你有高血压, 较低的数字超过80, you should get your blood pressure under control before 怀孕 with diet and exercise, 或者服用药物. This is really important not just for you, but for the new person you hope to grow. 感谢收看《大发娱乐》栏目.

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