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More Than a Metaphor—Broken Hearts Are Real

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More Than a Metaphor—Broken Hearts Are Real

Feb 08, 2024

When someone says they have a broken heart, 大发娱乐大多数人认为这只是表达他们极度情感痛苦的一个隐喻. 但实际上有一种医学上的疾病叫做心碎综合症, 表现得很像心脏病发作吗. Cardiologist John Ryan, MD谈到了心碎的原因、症状,以及医生如何治疗心碎.

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    Interviewer: Can you die of a broken heart? We're with Dr. John Ryan他是犹他大学呼吸困难诊所的主任.

    I'm curious. 你会听到人们说:“我心碎了.“我说的是处于浪漫状态的人,而不是那些没有功能的人. Is there such a thing as a broken heart?

    Causes and Symptoms of Broken Heart Syndrome

    Dr. Ryan: There is. Yeah. It's referred to as Broken Heart Syndrome. 这是一个实体,在严重的情感创伤的背景下,比如亲人的死亡, divorce, or loss of a dog. 人们可能会经历难以置信的胸痛、呼吸急促和疲劳. 他们可能会被送到急诊科,并出现心脏病发作的所有症状和体征. 然后大发娱乐带他们去心导管实验室看看他们是否有心脏病发作. Lo and behold, all their blood vessels are widely opened, and as it turns out, 他们暴露在情绪压力下,肾上腺素急剧上升. 他们的心脏功能因此严重下降.

    然而,你必须记住,这是一种罕见的心脏功能下降的原因. 心脏功能下降最常见的原因仍然是心脏病发作, high blood pressure, and hereditary components. But it is definitely a well-described entity.

    Broken Heart Syndrome vs. Heart Attack

    Interviewer: So is it just like a heart attack then? I mean, as far as how it could affect you?

    Dr. Ryan: Yeah. 所以它的表现就像心脏病发作一样,它可以像心脏病发作一样影响你. 你使用的药物是一样的,然后显然是情绪咨询,为了更好地应对任何导致心碎综合症的情绪波动. The other thing, of course, is that emotional trauma can also trigger regular, true-blue heart attacks, and that's well-described, too. 因此,重要的是要尝试区分这两种相对相似的东西.

    Broken Heart Syndrome Diagnosis and Treatment

    Interviewer: As a physician, 有没有什么方法可以在不进入心脏实验室的情况下确定两者的区别?

    Dr. Ryan: No. Unfortunately not. And also in terms of the fully blocked arteries, when the large arteries are blocked, time is muscle in that regard. So you don't really have the luxury to decide, "Well, 可能是情感创伤导致小血管堵塞,也可能是大血管堵塞.“最终,你需要尽快去心导管实验室. 

    Emotional Trauma and Heart Health

    在这方面,心碎综合症是一种诊断,一旦你排除了更险恶的, immediately life-threatening form. As I said, 这通常是当历史更明显的时候,他们结婚50年的丈夫刚刚去世,或者他们失去了他们的狗, and so on.

    Interviewer: 当你有两个人,他们都是丈夫的时候,这是否会因人而异呢?

    Dr. Ryan: Yeah. 这完全取决于你如何看待情感创伤.

    Interviewer: 所以在这一点上它实际上是一个头部的东西?

    Dr. Ryan: It is. Yeah. 很多人把它称为神经心脏综合症或者颅心脏是人们使用的另一个术语,因为, again, 这取决于你对你所经历的情感创伤的反应.


    Interviewer: 你能做些什么来减少心碎的几率吗?

    Dr. Ryan: Yeah. Yeah. 除了不要太依赖你的狗, 在事情发生之前,大发娱乐能做的真的很少. 然后很明显,你要吃药并进行情感咨询.

    Interviewer: 所以听起来这次心脏病发作实际上是由大脑引起的,而不是由心脏衰竭引起的?

    Dr. Ryan: Yeah. 所以他们的心脏在事件发生前是正常运作的. Their coronary arteries are normal, and the upshot is, is that after the event, everything can come back to normal. 然后,一旦药物到位,一旦情感咨询到位, everything can come back to normal. 通常情况下,这并不会导致长期的有害后果.

    Interviewer: 大脑实际上可以导致心脏衰竭,这对你来说是不是很神奇?

    Dr. Ryan: It is. 确实如此,但也不是因为,很明显,大发娱乐做的大部分事情,大脑也会训练大发娱乐成功. 因此,当你明显参与了激烈的竞争活动,比如国际奥运会,甚至是你的业余足球联赛时, 很明显,你的表现往往会因为你处于压力之下并认真对待它而得到改善. It improves your cardiac function in that regard. 所以就像它可以大发娱乐你一样,显然也有相反的一面. Emotional trauma can hinder you.


    updated: February 8, 2024
    originally published: January 30, 2014