Utah Residents at Higher Risk of Depression from Seasonal Affective Disorder

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Utah Residents at Higher Risk of Depression from Seasonal Affective Disorder


Depression caused by seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is higher in Utah and other places further from the equator. Psychiatrist 杰森·亨泽尔, MD, talks about why ten percent of people in Utah are at a higher risk and key warning signs that indicate you or a loved one might suffer from SAD. To learn more about seasonal affective disorder treatments, listen to 这次采访 博士. ·亨泽尔.

If you or someone 你知道 needs immediate support due to SAD or any other mental health concern, 拨打988. 在犹他州,你可以联系 犹他州危机热线 at 1-800-273-8255.


面试官: Ten percent of people living in Utah are at a higher risk for seasonal affective disorder. 今天大发娱乐要和Dr. 杰森·亨泽尔. First of all, why are we, living in Utah, at a higher risk?

People Living in the Northern Latitudes Are at Higher Risk for SAD

Dr. ·亨泽尔: 有 a lot of theories as to why people who live in the northern latitudes are at higher risk of this type of depression. One of those theories is the fact that there just is not as much daylight in the north as there is closer to the Equator. So the further we get away from the Equator, 白天越短, 它变得越黑, and so people get more depressed.

面试官: And so, 然后 it's true that sunlight actually makes you happy.

Dr. ·亨泽尔: 这是正确的. People who live closer to the Equator have less chance of this type of depression.

Risk Factors of Seasonal Affective Disorder

面试官: Are there other risks 然后, being in Utah, besides not enough sun?

Dr. ·亨泽尔: 有, and people who are at risk that live in Utah are people who are young, 他们的风险要大得多. Women tend to be at a higher risk than men, at an almost ten times more likely to get this type of depression than men.

The other thing that occurs in Utah, that doesn't occur in other places, is our inversion. 也就是远离太阳的时间, 即使在晴朗的日子, we don't get that because the inversion's there to block the sun. People who live around tall buildings that block the sun tend to get more depressed. If your job is indoors, in the basement with no windows, during the winter you're really at risk.

面试官: And especially since we have Daylight Savings here in America, you get out of work at 5:00 and it's already dark.

Dr. ·亨泽尔: 这是正确的.

面试官: 所以你不需要 . . .

Dr. ·亨泽尔: 这是正确的.

面试官: 然后你在, 你知道, 6:00, 7点,天还没亮, and so you never really see the sun.

Dr. ·亨泽尔: 这是正确的, and it can't just be the light in your office that makes the difference, it has to be the same wavelength as the sun to make a difference, which is why people use light boxes because that does help with most people who have this type of seasonal disorder.


面试官: So knowing that people in Utah are at higher risk for depression, tell me from a doctor's perspective exactly how dangerous that is.

Dr. ·亨泽尔: 是的. So depression can be extremely dangerous, and suicides rates, particularly in Utah, are quite high. And if depression of any type goes unchecked, it can lead to people thinking about ending their life, 这一点非常重要. So any time you're experiencing a depressed mood, 应该进行评估, at least by your primary care doctor to see if something else needs to be done.

Distinguishing Depression from Feeling 'Moody'

面试官: So with depression being so serious, does it often get confused for somebody just being moody, 然后, because people get moody and they get upset, but when does that become depression? 什么时候会变得危险?

Dr. ·亨泽尔: The way you can tell is if this lasts every day for at least two weeks, where you're feeling so terrible that you don't want to get out of bed, where you feel like you have to sleep all of the time. You have absolutely no energy, or interest, or desire to do anything with anyone. You notice that you're eating a ton, particularly carbohydrates. With this population that gets seasonal affective disorder, carbohydrates tend to be the big thing that they do. 然后, 当然, if you start having any thoughts about hurting yourself at any time, that's when it really needs to be addressed.

总结一下, I think that for those of us living in Utah, 大发娱乐面临着更高的风险, so we need to pay attention to those signs of depression. 尤其是女性, 尤其是年轻人, particularly people who work in environments where they're not around sunlight need to pay attention to this. If you notice that you're having any changes in your mood, please seek help.

originally published: December 16, 2015