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Healing a Pulled Hamstring

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Healing a Pulled Hamstring


拉伤的腿筋——也叫拉伤的腿筋——是你可以自己治疗的吗, or should you see a doctor? Athletic trainer Travis Nolan shares how to determine when you should seek help, 为什么做适当的拉伸和物理治疗是必要的, and how long it takes for hamstring strains to heal.

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    面试官: You pulled your hamstring. You might have been playing a competitive sport, 你可能只是在和你的朋友玩点什么, you might have been running around with your dog, and you feel a pain in the back of your leg. It's possibly a pulled hamstring. Is that something you can handle on your own, or is it something that you really should seek help for? 今天大发娱乐将详细了解如何治疗拉伤的腿筋.

    Travis Nolan is an athletic trainer at University of Utah Health. 崔维斯,一个人怎么知道自己是不是拉伤了腿筋? What are the symptoms? Where would you feel the pain and that sort of thing?

    迹象 & Symptoms of Pulled Hamstring

    特拉维斯: 通常, 症状和体征会是大腿后部突然疼痛或者是臀部下方大腿后部肌肉组织突然疼痛. 所以 you're going to have a sudden onset of pain, most of the time sharp, very pinpoint, 和地方, so you can pretty much point to one spot in that area. It's not going to be your entire muscle belly. 运动也会减少,腹部肌肉的力量也会减少.


    面试官: And if somebody does pull their hamstring, 那是他们可以自己处理的事情吗, or should you really see somebody?

    Can a Pulled Hamstring Be Treated at Home?

    特拉维斯: Most of the time, when you do have a strain or a pull, you can actually take care of that on your own. 你可以在家里做,只要你知道你在做什么,知道你的练习.

    和真正的, 最大的指导原则是对拉伤或拉伤的腿筋进行康复治疗, it's going to be listening to your body. 倾听那些痛苦的程度,不要强迫自己忍受任何痛苦, because that is essentially your body trying to tell you, “嘿, we're trying to heal this area, and you are making it worse for us.“所以你只能通过克服疼痛来延长你的恢复和康复过程.

    First-time hamstring Injury Treatment

    面试官: So if somebody has already pulled or strained a hamstring, and they've seen a professional, and they have some 延伸 or some exercises, and this feels much like the last time, 然后他们就可以做那些运动和伸展运动,然后像往常一样进行.

    如果是第一次,你真的会建议去看医生吗 physical therapist 或者找个运动教练做运动和伸展?

    特拉维斯: 我建议第一次来的病人去做那些运动和伸展运动, a little bit of guidance, because sometimes those exercises, 对一个人来说, might seem a little tricky. They might seem complicated. And when patients run into that, even unknowingly, 他们可能会在康复项目中遇到这种情况. 当你不知道自己在做什么的时候,你会感到沮丧.

    所以当你做事情恰当而正确的时候, it's going to feel a lot better, 你会觉得你真的在进步, and then you're not just going to maybe quit, because it's like, "Oh, 男人。, it's not getting better. The pain is continuing."

    So, 是的, 我绝对建议那些第一次锻炼的人,他们可能甚至不知道这是否是腿筋拉伤,也许他们正在努力确定这是否是发生的事情, definitely go get it checked out by the right professional.

    延伸 & Exercise for Injured Hamstring

    面试官: 这些运动和拉伸,真的能加快愈合时间吗?

    特拉维斯: 是的. By actually completing rehabilitation, 所以锻炼, 延伸, 并使用一些方法和这些东西,你可以在家里找到, 比如冰, 热, and different things like that, it is going to accelerate your healing process.

    Most importantly, if you are an athlete or maybe just a recreational athlete, 你需要做一些锻炼来增强你腿筋的力量, 让你的腿筋恢复到之前的长度. 因为受伤后会形成疤痕组织, 疤痕组织的形成不仅会影响大发娱乐的活动范围, 它也会影响肌肉的力量和大发娱乐的肌肉能够产生的力量. 所以, by doing rehab and exercises, 你将会回到你受伤之前的水平.

    面试官: 所以什么都不做,只是休息,不一定是最好的主意.

    特拉维斯: No, not necessarily the best idea. Will it get better? 是的, it totally will. 它会恢复到受伤前的功能水平吗? 如果你只是闲逛和休息的话,很可能不会, and that's all you do in order to heal it.

    Ham String Injury Recovery Process

    面试官: 然后如果有人已经进去了,他们拉伤或拉伤了它, and they have implemented the exercises and the 延伸, 如果你对冰敷和热敷都很好,一般需要多长时间才能恢复?

    特拉维斯: 因此,老实说,拉伤的腿筋的恢复过程是非常不同的. 这可能是研究中最有争议的事情之一当涉及到拉伤的腿筋和类似的事情. 具体来说,当大发娱乐观察运动员时,有一个恢复比赛的时间表. It can range, honestly. And research has shown it can range from 7 to 50-plus days.

    所以这取决于个人的进步. Everyone heals differently. As well as sort of the initial injury. Was it a Grade 1 hamstring strain? Was it a Grade 2 hamstring strain? 这也取决于你想要恢复的运动水平或娱乐活动的水平. 这可以决定你的复出时间,如果你愿意的话.

    面试官: 如果有人想检查一下腿筋拉伤,那 walk-in clinic at University of Utah Health would be a great option. If that's not an option, just any physical therapist or athletic trainer, would they be able to help with a hamstring pull like this?

    特拉维斯: 是的, definitely. 我知道你可以预约很多理疗师, 去看, get this checked out. 所以, 是的, this is definitely something that getting into somebody, in my opinion, especially for the general population, 这只会加速你的康复过程和恢复时间,让你重新投入到你真正喜欢的活动中去.


    updated: June 20, 2024
    originally published: December 7, 2020

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