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Does UV Protection Clothing Really Work?

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Does UV Protection Clothing Really Work?

Jul 04, 2024

一些服装和泳装宣传他们的“防紫外线”技术,但这真的有效吗? Doug Grossman, MD, 亨斯迈癌症研究所的研究员谈到了你可以采取不同程度的保护措施来降低患皮肤癌的风险, especially in Utah, where the high altitude intensifies the UV rays. 穿着衣服游泳或在日落后修剪草坪可能会显得极端, but all that sun damage adds up. 他提出了一些简单的策略来减轻阳光的累积效应.

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    Interviewer: 你可能在商店里看到过带有防紫外线功能的泳装或其他类型的衣服. Is that a legit thing, or is it just a gimmick? We're going to find out right now.

    We're with Dr. Doug Grossman. 他是亨茨曼癌症研究所皮肤癌早期诊断和治疗专家. Let's talk about clothing with built-in UV protection. What do you know about that stuff? What gives it UV protection in the first place?

    Understanding UV Protection in Clothing

    Dr. Grossman: 我认为任何能阻挡太阳紫外线的东西都能保护你的皮肤,所以我认为尽可能多地遮盖是很重要的,而且要保持舒适,以保护这些大面积的皮肤.

    Interviewer: 大发娱乐来谈谈那些说有防紫外线功能的衣服. What exactly does that mean, do you know?

    Dr. Grossman: 我认为你必须根据你要参加的活动选择特定类型的衣服. 如果你是在海滩上,还是在游泳池里, you want what I call sun-protected swimwear. 这是一种可以在水中穿的衣服,也可以在下水前穿. It's going to essentially block all the UV rays. 如果你的皮肤发红或晒黑,你就知道有些皮肤已经透了.

    Interviewer: What blocks the rays in this type of clothing?

    Dr. Grossman: Just the fabric.

    Interviewer: It's the fabric? Just a tighter weave that just doesn't let light in?

    Dr. Grossman: Right.

    Interviewer: 所以这是否意味着任何有紧密编织的衣服都同样有效?

    Dr. Grossman: Just about. 我告诉病人,如果他们能把这种材料拿在房间的灯光下,仍然能看透它, the pattern of the light bulbs for instance, then too much is getting through. Most clothing would be sufficient, but you want something, again, that is appropriate for the activity you're doing. So if you're going to be biking, then a biking jersey. 再说一遍,对于水来说,那些能被弄湿并且在水里很舒服的材料. There are a number of companies that make these.

    Interviewer: 不过我想,这可能有点误导人. Sure, 我穿了一件衬衫和几条泳裤,可以保护我不受紫外线的伤害, but I still have exposed skin. That's not necessarily a good thing, is it?

    Navigating Sunscreen Options

    Dr. Grossman: No. 所以大发娱乐的想法是用衣服尽可能多地保护你的皮肤,让你感到舒适,这样就可以减少你需要涂防晒霜的区域.

    Interviewer: What type of sunscreen are we looking at?

    Dr. Grossman: 一般来说,我认为防晒霜有两种不同的类型. The best products are those that are mineral-containing, and that have either zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. What these chemicals do is they reflect all the UV rays. 它们停留在皮肤上,紫外线会被反射出去,这样你就得到了非常持久的保护. They're very difficult, actually, to wash off.

    另一类更受欢迎的产品是基于化学成分的防晒霜. 它们的工作原理是吸收紫外线,尤其是会导致晒伤的高能量射线. 然而,一些较长的波长仍然会通过,这可能会导致晒黑. In addition, these products, because they absorb the UV rays, they can quickly saturate, and then a lot will get through. They break down quickly and you have to keep reapplying.

    Interviewer: 矿物类型,就是我在杂货店里找到的那种? Is that more expensive? It sounds more robust.

    Dr. Grossman: They tend to be a little bit more expensive, 但是它们的效果更好,你不需要经常重新涂抹. You get what you pay for. I think if it's just brief, short exposures outside, almost any product will be fine, but if you've got fair skin, if you're at high risk, and if you're outside for any period of time, I'd recommend the best protection.

    Comprehensive Sun Protection

    Interviewer: If it comes down to, all right, 我出去远足时穿长袖衬衫,或者穿短袖并涂防晒霜, in your eyes, 我得到的保护有什么不同吗? Is there one better than the other?

    Dr. Grossman: 这取决于你用的是什么防晒霜,涂抹得怎么样. I would think of it as several levels of protection. 首先,也是最简单的一件事就是避免在一天的中间时间睡觉. If you can do a particular activity, gardening, hiking, 或者不管你在早上或傍晚做什么, that's going to be best. 下一个层次是衣服,尽可能多地保护自己,同时保持舒适. Then whatever is left exposed, apply the sunscreen. 通常都是脸,脖子,手之类的.

    Interviewer: Does the time of year make a difference? Is the sun in June worse than the sun in August?

    Dr. Grossman: 在犹他州,你真的需要全年保护你的皮肤. 由于海拔高,太阳比海平面强得多. Even on a cloudy day, one could get sunburned.

    Long-term Effects of UV Exposure

    Interviewer: 大发娱乐经常听到这样的话,你应该穿合适的衣服. You should wear a hat. You should wear sunscreen. What happens if somebody doesn't? How bad does it really get?

    Dr. Grossman: 你会被晒伤,这可能会很不舒服,但很快就会消失. Any exposure we know causes damage to the skin. 如果你晒黑了,那么皮肤告诉你细胞里的DNA已经被破坏了. The tanning response is a DNA damage response, 当细胞中的DNA被破坏时,就会导致可能引发皮肤癌的突变. 我要提的另一件事是紫外线照射的长期影响, the damage to the skin, skin cancer, 长期暴露在阳光下所发生的所有变化都会让你看起来更老, take many years and are cumulative over time. Young people don't appreciate it. They go out, get a sunburn, get tan, 然后他们认为一周后他们的皮肤看起来很好,但实际上他们正在遭受多年积累的伤害. 通常在长时间暴露在阳光下20或30年后,人们才会开始看到阳光损伤的迹象,最终患上皮肤癌.


    updated: July 4, 2024
    originally published: September 3, 2014