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在这一集 给专家的七个问题,心脏病 约翰·瑞安,医学博士, answers what he thinks is the best—and worst—thing you can do for your heart, 他为什么选择专攻心脏病学, and what advancements he's most excited about in the field of cardiology.

    This content was originally produced for audio. 某些元素,如音调, 声音效果, 和音乐, may not fully capture the intended experience in textual representation. Therefore, the following transcription has been modified for clarity. We recognize not everyone can access the audio podcast. 然而, 给那些有能力的人, we encourage subscribing and listening to the original content for a more engaging and immersive experience.

    所有 thoughts and opinions expressed by hosts and guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views held by the institutions with which they are affiliated.


    面试官: 又到了七个问题的时间了. 时间到了,7个问题 心脏病专家. 大发娱乐有 Dr. 约翰·瑞恩 我会问你七个问题. Just want your answers just as they come to you, okay?

    Dr. 雷恩: 确定的事情.

    面试官: Don't think about it too much, as quick as you can.

    #1: What's the Best Thing That I Can Do for My Heart to Make Sure It Stays Healthy?

    Dr. 雷恩: 大概每天锻炼30分钟, 能让你心跳加速的东西, and just get it into your routine as something that is part of your daily schedule.

    #2: What's the Worst Thing I Can Do for My Heart?

    Dr. 雷恩: 可能根本就不锻炼.

    面试官: 真的?

    Dr. 雷恩: 是的.

    面试官: Even worse than smoking or something like that?

    Dr. 雷恩: 它是. 是的. 嗯,这很公平. 我的意思是, you're going to assume that folks know that they shouldn't smoke, but even when you have people who have a normal weight and who don't exercise, they actually are at a higher risk of having heart disease and a higher rate of mortality than people who are overweight who do exercise. 久坐不动的生活方式真的对大发娱乐有害.

    #3: What Do You Know About the Heart That Everybody Else Should Know?

    Dr. 雷恩: You really can make a positive change to your risk of having a 心脏病. 真的, it is not something that you need to give up on. And even if you've had a historical lifestyle of smoking, 不运动, 吃高脂肪食物, 你命中注定不会得心脏病. You can actually change your destiny and really reduce your risk of having a 心脏病 by stopping smoking, 积极锻炼, 减肥, 等. So I think that's really just key to be aware of.

    #4: Can You Scare Somebody to the Extent That They Have a Heart Attack?

    Dr. 雷恩: There's definitely a stress component to having a 心脏病. 有些人, 看足球赛的人会心脏病发作, 坐过山车会让人心脏病发作, and downhill skiers occasionally have 心脏病s.

    面试官: What about, like a victim of an April Fools joke?

    Dr. 雷恩: I think that would be really unfortunate and would kind of make you have to rethink the whole tradition of April Fools' Day in general if mortality from 心血管病 goes up on April Fools' Day, I think we need to rethink why we have this holiday.

    #5: What Is Your Favorite Song That Has the Word "Heart" in It?

    Dr. 雷恩: The favorite, is probably, "Total Eclipse of the Heart."

    面试官: 好吧.

    Dr. 雷恩: 这是一首很棒的歌.

    6 .你为什么专攻心脏病学?

    Dr. 雷恩: I think you can really do a lot in cardiology because you can take care of the individual person across the way from you, but there's also a large public health component to it, in so far as trying to get your community to be more active. And that's just a fascinating part in America because we're so heavily dependent on our cars and we don't walk, we don't cycle around our neighborhoods anymore, 诸如此类的东西.

    And then there are also the nutritional components. So, as well as having that one-on-one relationship, you also have this public health issue from 心血管病, which I think is really important for 心脏病专家s to be at the forefront of.

    And then also the basic science in cardiology is just fascinating and has really made a significant impact in 心血管病 over the last 30, 40年. And when you look at how we have cared for people and the advances we've made in terms of reducing the rate of 心脏病, 降低心脏病的死亡率 中风 在过去的40年里, those impacts have been made because we have done significant basic science advancements and because we've also made community awareness about heart disease and how to lower your heart risk.

    #7: What Advancement in Your Field Has You the Most Excited?

    Dr. 雷恩: I think we're getting to a point where the technology is becoming really personalized. 它是 really exciting that people come to us with the data that they've generated, 要么是通过手机, 从他们的智能手机, 从人们从可穿戴设备上收集的数据中, and that their health literally is in their hands, and they are coming to us with what they've found.

    Whereas traditionally, we do tests and we would say, "Well this is what we've found." Now they're coming to us with what they've found, and that's a really exciting thing because that really shifts the responsibility of cardiovascular care and risk reduction to where it should be, 哪个是对个人的.


